
The Apalachicola Museum of Art Exhibition:
Works on Exhibit by Beth Appleton

“The AMOA exhibition was one of my all time favorites; this solo show epitomized why I love and will always participate in local and regional exhibitions. The Directors, Marie and Willoughby Marshall, embraced my art as a teaching opportunity, encouraging community involvement. Artist review continues...

During the weeks of the show, February 8-March 15, 2013, several well attended events were hosted at the Museum including a festive opening night, several public forums, artist talks, and a closing reception. I collaborated with the Marshalls organizing school tours and coordinating events with local leaders and teachers. Visitors of all ages and walks of life found the museum experience to be a friendly interactive event.

Many artworks were sold supporting my work as an artist as well as the venue itself. Inspired, I wrote a book and created two videos to accompany the exhibition.

The Museum was established in the historic Conter Fry house in Apalachicola, Florida, due to the efforts of Marie Marshall and her husband, Willoughby Marshall, the noted architect who led the restoration of this wonderful building. This location is now the St. Vincent Island National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center, however, the Apalachicola Museum of Art will long be remembered.”

Visuals created by the artist for this exhibition include:
Cut and Paste A Scrapfish
Gently Down the Stream – The Movie
Gently Down the Stream – The Book

To view slides below, use bottom bar to click dots or side arrows:

  • was established inside an historical landmark by the efforts of Marie Marshall and her husband, Willoughby Marshall, the noted architect leading the restoration.
  • Opening night filled to capacity. Photo: Jo Pearman
  • Musician Velma Frye wrote and performed a song to honor the event. Above, she leads her friends and the audience in a "sing" during the opening night ceremony.
  • During school tour weeks Museum Director Marie Marshall welcomes students to the Fry-Conter House, home of the Apalachicola Museum of Art.
  • Above, the artist reads to one of the many groups to visit the museum. The book she wrote was gifted to all pre-school aged children by the BringMeABook Franklin organization.
  • Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve's Megan Lamb volunteers during tours. Children peek into microscope seeing the tiniest life forms that live in Apalachicola Bay.
  • Public, private and home school visits continue during the exhibition. The art works hang lower on the wall to accommodate child height viewing.
  • Nora shows off her paper project and stars in the artist's video "Cut and Paste a Scrapfish", made available for art sessions following museum visits. Photo: LoraLee Thomas.
  • An artist talk and forum provides opportunity for community leaders to discuss environmental efforts underway. The artist's video, "Gently Down the Stream" premieres.

Mayor's Blog, 2013, Appleton Exhibition

Exhibition Poster

Exhibition Poster


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