Update: March 7, 2023
“Floridala: Tree Frogs”
Scroll to read more about this piece as it was in progress; it was a fun one to document while underway. I am thrilled to be able to share an image of the completed work. Symmetrical, this 25″ x 25″ circular cut paper piece is designed to hang diagonally as a diamond shape or display square on the wall. Much more information is available about this series on my “Floridala” page”.
“Tree Frogs” nears completion
I stay flexible, entertaining possibilities when beginning a work but after finishing the frog rings and crafting a good design plan, I felt confident to begin attaching these elements to the background. When finished, this will be the 144th circular work completed in my Floridala series; I knew no two would be ever be alike. I explored many options while this piece progressed. When I started the work, I thought this one might have turtles surrounding the outer rim and include other signature icons as well. My Florida studio is totally surrounded by palm trees and the songs of the frogs who find homes in them provide familiar music as I work. When I laid in the palm pattern the piece began to immediately work without the addition of elements other than some added stars and geometrics. Once I attach these, I will decide whether to add one more ring of design. The piece is taking shape so nicely now and will prove to be a strong colorful piece. It’s exciting to be at this stage!
Below will give a glimpse as the work progressed:
Often I’m encouraged to revisit an earlier series of works and If I’m not in the middle of a major work that needs all my attention, I will take a detour to the past. I love doing this with the works I call Floridalas as these were initially created to be ongoing and are a joy to create. I plan to add images on this page as this piece develops. Nothing is attached in early stages so I can change my mind about placement and color:
Journal: December 11, 2020
Second Wind: Words and Art of Hope and ResilienceThis book I’m holding, Second Wind: Words and Art of Hope and Resilience is such a gift! I received my copy today and can’t wait to sink into it. I’m thrilled that my piece, La Loba’s Prayer is among remarkable works from 78 poets, writers and artists throughout the U.S. and the world. It’s an honor to be among them.
This a fundraising effort by a creative team of editors, Kate Aver Avraham and Melody Culver. All profits from the sale of Second Wind go to the Community Foundation Santa Cruz County’s Covid-19 Response Fund in California. Purchasing here will send more of your funds direct to the fundraiser. The book is also available through Amazon.
La Loba’s Prayer, Cut Paper Digital Assemblage, 2020
I was asked to write an artist statement that I’ll share: La Loba is a mythical wild woman, a gatherer of bones. Once found and pieced back, creatures of the natural world become whole again. Renewed, they are given a second wind. The spirit of La Loba is alive in those I admire: our healers, believers, artists, and truth seekers. Her prayer is one of perseverance bringing hope and strength to all who suffer.
About the book:
An anthology in response to these challenging pandemic times, Second Wind gathers varied voices of community in prose, poetry and many forms of art to speak of how we got through 2020—and how we can make the most of our changed lives and move toward a meaningful future.
Readers will find inspiration, humor and solace in the vibrant and organic sections of this collection. “Heartache in the Land” explores pandemic experiences and reactions. There are sections that look at loved ones and family; the political scene; musings of spirit, dreams and visions; creative expression; humor and play; and finally, reflections on the support and healing we receive from the abundant beauty of the natural world.
Second Wind is a combined endeavor, created with diverse artists and writers of all ages and backgrounds throughout the country, vulnerably and humbly sharing what gives them hope, what renews their spirits, and where they have found strength. In the words of one contributor: This anthology answers your questions about what to do in any difficult time…you gather friends, skills and possibilities, and create something that can tilt the balance of concerns for good.
100% of sale profits will be donated to the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County COVID-19 Response Fund.
“Second Wind” has 284 pages filled with inspiring works by 78 artists, writers and poets. Published by Fireball Press, 2020.
Journal: November, 2020
Journal: March, 2020, Documenting “Sea Hag”
Welcome! This is my journal of “Sea Hag”, a piece currently in progress. As I work on it in my studio, I’ll also document here by sharing images, video and some thoughts along the way. I’m also documenting this work on my Facebook Artist Page at Beth Appleton, Cut Paper Assemblages. Join me there!
# 1. March 24, 2020: Like many artist friends, I’m isolating in my studio today, working on a new piece already titled, “Sea Hag”. I know this one will be ambitious. “She” has been percolating in my mind’s eye, calling and sometimes screeching out to me for almost two years now. It’s high time to let this water creature out! When completed, “Sea Hag” will become a companion piece to “The Diatomist”, a work completed in 2018. One day, they will hang together, side by side. I hope to document this cut paper assemblage along the way and will post as the work progresses. You can tell the size of it by my sandaled feet so wish me luck! I have started by painting a background with watercolor paints and am now in the process of adding a bit of detail. More sharing soon!
I also want to take this time to thank you for your connection. We are all now living in difficult, unusual times. I hope if you’ve found your way to this page, it will enlighten or entertain as you find new ways for healthy escape. If you are out in the world helping to keep us fed, deliver goods, care for, protect, or you are making hard community decisions on our behalf at this time…my deepest gratitude goes to you and your families. Thank you. My best wishes to you all, Beth
#2. March 29, 2020: Since my last post, I’ve moved ahead to create a nice variety of dimensional paper forms. Most are made from a rainbow of painted papers and some are repurposed from prints, all shaped from the same heavy watercolor paper I use for my works. When detailed, most of the printed letters and images will be hidden (can you find that little fish?) but they’ll help to make a strong foundation. I won’t use them all; some will end up in future works. Here they are, all piled together but one day soon I’ll start arranging them to design the siren’s figure. Thanks to all who follow; it’s fun to take you along on my art journey this evening. My studio cat “Tutti” and I wish you all a good night.
Past Journal entries:
January, 2020
Work in progress: “It’s a New Year!”, Watercolor/Cut Paper Assemblage, 11″ x 14″
Nothing on this little piece in progress is nailed down yet except for the quarter moon; it is helping to anchor all my scattered parts and pieces. This work is still full of possibility, potential—change. Today when I accidentally cut off some star points, I noticed those seem to shine even brighter in the night’s sky. To all who see this post, I send good cheer and happy wishes in this brand new year ahead. I wish you one full of hope, inspiration and serendipitous outcomes! ~Beth Appleton